Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Gabriel is now three weeks old. Time Flies by so fast. He is such a good baby! He is doing really well and is giving us a fair amount of sleep. We think he is growing, because he seems to demand a lot more food in the last few days. These pics are with my new camera. The camera that I got for my birthday broke and walmart did not have one to replace it. We bought a new and better one at staples. I love it and now I can be obsessive about taking pictures. Dad and Gabriel taking a snooze. Aaron looks a little more sleepy than Gabriel.

Gabriel showing mommy where his eye is. lol!

I love this picture! It was taken right after he sneezed. So funny!

Just plain cute! He is awake!

The Pacifier is still way big!


Anonymous said...

Such cute pictures!

Sarah said...

Hehe, the pacifier does look big in that one.

Combs - A day in the Life of... said...

He is so beautiful. Can i say that about a little boy. Oh sure I can I am the Aunt.

Anonymous said...

He is cute and getting so big! We are so happy for you two!

Rachel and John said...

Soooooooo Cute! I am so happy for you guys! I bet you are just in Heaven! Love ya! *Rach

Goates said...

I looooove your pictures! He looks so cute. And Aaron looks so happy and content holding cute little Gabriel. We can't wait to see you guys again and hold your Gabriel :)