Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Adoption profile

Okay this is a short blog to let everyone know that Aaron and I are still trying to adopt. Okay so I am sure most of you know this already but I just thought I would give a reminder to everyone. We even have an online profile. To look at it or to pass the info on to someone else go to . When you get to this page click on the link that say SEARCH ADOPTION PROFILES. When that page comes up, under adoptive profile name type aaronandsara . Next hit the view profile button and you can get our profile. Make sure you type in our profile name exactly how I wrote it or otherwise the website can find us. Anyway our caseworker says the more people know the more our chances increase of being able to adopt. This has been a long and difficult process for us but we have faith that our Father in Heaven will bless us one day and we are looking forward to that day.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Eating jelly beans in the dark!

Okay! I know the title sound a little funny, but this is an activity everyone should try- eating jelly beans (jelly belly brand in particular) in the dark. Let me explain. I went to the Dollar Tree to buy some paper and bought some jelly belly brand jelly bean called belly flops (I really got them because the name made me laugh). They are called belly flops because the color or size was not up to normal jelly belly standards. LOL! And that is why I could buy them for only a dollar. Anyways it was about 8:30 in the evening and dark outside. Once I got in the car I opened the bag and started eating. Well you just never know what flavor you will get when you can't see what color it is. Aaron hates cinnamon ones and i really thought it was funny that it was the only ones he seemed to get. I know it is not too cool to laugh at someone elses discomfort but aaron really was dramatic and would get more mad every time he got a cinnamon flavored one. The simple things in Life! Maybe i was just really tired and loopey- I did have a long day.

Below is a picture that really made me smile. It may be sick and twisted but I really needed a good laugh.

Friday, September 12, 2008

So it is not the best picture, but it is not the worst. The picture was taken by the kids at my school. The journalism class has a newspaper that they publish online. An article in the "Wizard Press" was even published on the national addition of the National High School Journal. They are such talented kids. Anyway if you want to see the article they wrote about me please visit the following website:
I really recomend you take a look at it. Impressive!
Anyway I am feeling better this week, but Aaron caught whatever I had and was sick all this week. We both still have a little bit of junk let over from being sick, but for the most part we are feeling much better.
For those of you who do not live in Laramie. We have been having a very wet week. The last few days we have had all day drizzle with occasional downpours. I am excited however to report that our apartment did not flood. I did have a few panic attacks when it started hailing, but to my relief Aaron left work and checked on the apartment to see if it was okay. Kudos to Aaron boss Kirk for being so flexible with aarons schedule.
Work is still going great and this week we had school picture! And yes I had to get my picture taken as well. I thought I was done with school pictures when I graduated high school, but I guess not! boo! Well the picture was okay. I sat there as they told me to bend your head this way and lean this way and no thats too far. After they were done they asked if the picture was okay and I said it had to be because I was not going to sit and do that again. Ugh! The week flew by and I having been working my butt off trying to get the school ready for open house next week. Cleaning, decorating bulliten boards, organizing......
As for this weekend....well Aarons cousin Matt and his wife leslie (also my really good friends) are in town and hopefully we will be able to visit with them a little. I am sure Aaron will go to the Football game and then spend some time with Chris. We have been trying to spend as much time as possible with him. He leaves in less then two weeks for his Mission in Brazil. Crazy.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Why do they have to leave/My husband is Wonderful

So Sunday we had to say goodbye to one our closest sets of friends, Jane and Garrett. They moved to Ohio because Garrett got excepted to optometry school. We will miss them a lot and I think we will have some spare time on our hand now that they are gone. Poor Aaron doesnt know what to do. Its only been a week, but he is already missing Garrett a lot. poor guy he kind of reminds me of a kid who just dropped his icecream cone on the ground (i have had that happen and it is very disapointing!). Anyway he has been moping around this week and I have got him to promise that we can go to ohio for spring break this year to visit. YAH!

On to the next subject: Aaron is wonderful. He has been really busy at work the last few days and said that we should go on a date. So he showed up after work with a dozen roses for me and then we went to dinner. It was such a nice and thoughtful surprise. I am just so lucky. He also has been taking care of me this week since I have a cold. I think it is just a basic cold, but it still sucks. Aaron also called our landlord this week. We lost all of the food in our fridge (not freezer) because the fridge part stopped working. Well our landlord is buying us a new fridge and aaron is taking me out to dinner again since we dont have any food in the fridge. Well I think he is terribly wonderfull and I dont know what I would do with out him.