Saturday, January 31, 2009

My Kid is sooooo Cute!

Gabriel's Birth announcement (THAT MY SISTER MADE!)
Look at these cheeks!

So, I am sitting in Dads chair! You got a problem with that?

Okay, this last picture was kindo of set up. My mom gave me this cute bear/blanket. I wanted to get a picture of him with it and I set it next to him and when I did he grabbed it and started to fall asleep. Do we have the start of a new favorite toy.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Before I Was a Mom

Okay. So I know some of you may think this is cheesey, but you will live. I saw this poem and I really liked and put into words how I feel.

Before I was a Mom

Author: Unknown

Before I was a Mom-

I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.

I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.

I never thought about immunizations.

Before I was a Mom -

I had never been puked on.

Pooped on.

Chewed on.

Peed on.

I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.

I slept all night.

Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.

Or give shots.

I never looked into teary eyes and cried.

I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.

Before I was a Mom-

I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put them down.

I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.

I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.

I never knew that I could love someone so much.

Before I was a Mom -

I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.

I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.

I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom -

I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.

I had never known the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom.

I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Gabriel is now three weeks old. Time Flies by so fast. He is such a good baby! He is doing really well and is giving us a fair amount of sleep. We think he is growing, because he seems to demand a lot more food in the last few days. These pics are with my new camera. The camera that I got for my birthday broke and walmart did not have one to replace it. We bought a new and better one at staples. I love it and now I can be obsessive about taking pictures. Dad and Gabriel taking a snooze. Aaron looks a little more sleepy than Gabriel.

Gabriel showing mommy where his eye is. lol!

I love this picture! It was taken right after he sneezed. So funny!

Just plain cute! He is awake!

The Pacifier is still way big!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How Rude!

So I really didnt know if I should be angry or if I should take it as a compliment for my sister. Let me explain........

While we were in Utah, my sister took some really cute pictures of Gabriel. Then we picked out some pictures that we like from those that she took and one from the hospital and my sister designed some baby announcements for us on Photoshop. They turned out great. Maybe a little too great. Well i finally got around to printing them at walmart. Originally I had planned to use the kodak kiosk and print them myself. It is more expensive, but a whole lot quicker. That plan failed because my SD card was too big and the kiosk was not equipt to handle or at least that is what the associate said. Anyway so I used the other kiosk thing and set it up to have my announcements printed in an hour. So I went and finished my shopping and came back. I came back in an hour and they were not printed. The associate said the machine was not working right and to come back in thirty minutes. She said she would give the pictures to me for free, because of the trouble. I was not bothered by that at all (i was wishing that I had printed more announcements). I came back a half an hour later and the associate, without saying anything to me, handed me the envelope with all the pictures on it. As I was walking away I saw, in big red letters, written on the envelope the word- COPYRIGHT- with a big question mark behind it. Really!? I am assuming they thought I was making illegal copies of the announcements. What I don't get is why they did not ask me about it. One of my biggest pet peeves is being accused of something I did not do. Ahhh! I was so mad and I wanted to complain to someone, but I thought to myself that I got the pictures for free and should I really push my luck. I should just walk away and be content with the gift I got. Well it obviously still bothers me a little that someone out there thinks I am that dishonest. Pooh! Well I guess my sister did a better job than we both anticipated. She is great!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

He is Home!

Okay so my brother is back from his mission and there is a photo right below, but here is My mom holding Gabriel. I love this picture because they both look like they are completely loving this moment together. So cute!

My little brother, Eric, got off of his mission today! He is a pretty good catch for all those single ladies out there! LOL! He is no longer the annoying little brother who threw rocks at me (he was six!). Hehe! Well we met him at the Laramie Airport and later we ate pizza, cake, and ice cream. I ate too much! It was fun. He has grown so much spiritually! But he is the same old Icky (an old nickname).

This is a fuzzy picture of Gabriel, but I loved his smile. I just love him!!!

Grandpa holding Gabriel. I really think he is miserable in this picture! J/K

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Finally Home!

So I have been officially home for a little less than two days with my son (son! I love saying that!). It was a very long trip to Utah for us and if it had not been for my sister and her husband it would have been even longer. We were lucky enough to stay at thier house while we waited for the okay to take Gabriel home. Thanks! It was also nice to be there because my mom was there to help us both out! I think when I have gotten a little more sleep I will write about the whole process.

Gabriel is doing great and is growing out of his premie clothes. Most of his Premie PJs dont fit and his onies are being stretched to the limit. He is however getting more adorable everyday. He is making lot of noise - He sounds like a kitten meowing (my sister actually thought is was her cat stuck in the closet!!! LOL!) He rarely cries. He hates is diaper being changed and getting his armpits washed. He does love his little round head to be washed. He will just stare up at his mom and dad with a look of bliss every time we wash is head. I couldnt have asked for a cuter baby!!!

Well it is feeding time! I promise to write more later!

Friday, January 9, 2009

The New Baby

Name: Gabriel Aaron Howe

DOB: 01/07/09

Time: 3:14 P.M.

Place: Provo, UT - Utah Valley Medical Center

Weight: 7 lbs. 1 oz.

Height: 19 inches

Status: Absolutely Adorable and Healthy!


Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Holidays in Review

Wow! The holidays were great this year! I felt like I got really spoiled over this holiday break. My favorite part was that I got to spend a lot of extra time with my hubby! Yeah! Well.... here we go!

CHRISTMAS: Yipee! I love my job because I got two weeks off and still get paid the same amount of money. Christmas Eve we traveled to my mom's house. Such a long journey..... a whole hour! lol! We were blessed to have good roads and short traveling distance. It was quite a crowded house (it makes the holidays better) but fun. Lot of good food- thanks to my wonderful mom! My brother Sheridan and his girlfriend Jess came down, which was really nice because I had not seen either in quite a while. For Christmas Aaron bought me an awesome video camera! Love it! It has a 60 GB hard drive and a mini sd slot. Serious! Totally sweet! He also got me tons (lots!) of wonder tees from Down East Basics. Coolest store ever! I love the shirts because they are super long and light and fit pretty snug so that they can go under lot of different shirts. and they are cheap (in price)! I got lots of gifts from my family too. and a few gift for our little one to be!

Birthday: My birthday was really fun this year as well! Aaron again spoiled me with a new camera (we needed some new picture taking equipment for the soon to be). My parents sent me wonderful gifts! I even got a really cool book about adoption that I am already reading (thanks mom!) I went to lunch with my sister Heather and her Husband Ben. I am so thankful for their sweet spirits in my life. They bring me so much joy! I love them. I then went to dinner with Aarons parents at a Thia food restaurant-Anongs- MY FAVORITE! And then my wonderful friend Dot made me a cake! How awesome- and it was WAY good too! I totally am blown away by her generosity! Let me tell you! I could not ask for better friends. I had so many people call or write to wish me a happy birthday. It was so much fun to check my email or facebook all day long and find so many happy wishes. My family and friends rock!!!!! Oh yeah! My friend, Kara, made me some of her homemade bread- which I crave constantly. It is so good. She has made it for me the last few years for my birthday. I just love her!

New years: Well we had a lot of fun playing games at Brandon and Dots house (we spent quite a few days playing games and hanging out over the break). We stayed up way too late and ate way too much junk food. We got home at about three in the morning and I was up the rest of the night sick. But once I threw up I was much better. Yuck! I honestly cannot remember the last time I threw up but it has been about 20 years and I think I will wait another 20 before I throw up again. EWWWW! On a positive note: Our babys birthmom is going to get induced on sunday the 1th or monday the 12th. Holy Crap! She also sent us Ultrasound pictures (thanks Dot for reminding me to ask). So neat! Sureal. Anyway it makes it a week or less tell we get our baby boy (I am calling him Gabriel- Aaron likes Myles-what do you think). So everyone start praying really hard. We need this miracle.

In the third picture he was ready to tell everyone that he is a BOY!

The next Few pics are after my birthday with the new camera!

TJ (Tim and kara's little boy) getting a piggy back ride from Aaron. They were supposed to be getting ready for bed.

TJ's new hair cut!

Charlie and Vanessa and Katelyn!

Joben (Brandon and Dots first little one) sitting long enough to get on snap shot with me!

Tavian (Brandon and Dots 2nd little one) in his Jumperoo! He loves it!

Kat (Tim and Karas little girl) deciding if she should risk opening my birthday present!

My birthday cake! A amazing jello cake made by dot! I just gotta love her!