Grandma and Grandpa with Gabe and the Cat in the Hat!
Well, I don't have a lot of time for blogging anymore so I am going to try to blog at least once a month. The month of September was sooooo busy. School started which meant I started back at work and long day and shorts nights have begun. So here are some of the howe happenings in september:
-We went to visit my Dad in South Dakota. We got to see all of my family (except nephews- boo!) down there and Aaron and I enjoyed our three day weekend. Gabe warmed right up to grandma and grandpa Pickett and seemed to love the puppies even though they were not to fond of him. We went to storybook island and it was really fun to walk around and take lots of picks. Gabe really was not partial until it came to a car he could sit in and then he was all about it. He loves cars just like his daddy!
-We have got to spend lots of time will all of our family which has been really nice. Gabe love spending time with his cousins and he has a lot who are his age.
-I was away from Gabe for the first time in September. One of bestest friends, Cambia, from college got married in the Billings Montana LDS Temple. I was invited to the ceremony, so I went. I rode tripped it up to Billings with the Grooms sister and got there the night before the BIG day. We stayed up wayyy tooo late and just visited with Cambias sister. I was lucky enough to see some of aaron and I's closest friends - Reuben and Stephanie- while I was there. The Ceremony was so beautiful and I got all choked up! The day of the ceremony we drove home or at least attempted a peaceful drive home. The van I was in broke down so I hitched a ride with cambias sisters and had a blast on the way home, hanging out with all the single girls. I got home wayyy to late and then the next morning went to the reception in Cheyenne. This was really special because all of my closest girlfriends from my freshman year of college came down and we spent some much needed time together. It was like we were never apart. I miss my girls.
-We went to Cheyenne to visit Aarons dad on his birthday. It was a nice visit! We went to Red Lobster and ate some amazing food. The waitress was kind of a ditz! She put a really hot plate right infront of Gabe. Of course Gabe grabbed it and got burnt. He cried so hard and the waitress did not even apologize. The service seemed to be pretty good after that, though!
- Gabe is growing and changing all the time! He is not crawling yet but is so close. He has been sick for the last couple of weeks and only wants to be held. It started out as teething (no teeth yet) and then a nasty cough. I took him to the doctor and he was perfectly fine. I took him to the doctor today again (october 7th) and he has a nasty ear infection. I know I am talking about September but today Gabe turned NINE months old. Besides the ear infection he is doing great and is right on target and the doc even said that he is doing things that he should be doing at a year. He is 19 pound and almost 29 inches long. He got his flu shot today and did not make a complain or cry. I was really impressed- he is a tough little guy. Some fun things he is doing is rolling a ball or throwing it (not very far but the effort is there). He tries to give me kisses- opened mouthed and kind of slobbery. He can get on all fours and rock back and forth- but no crawling. He is really picky about baby food but loves to self feed. He is using his pincher fingers to pick up things to feed himself. Some of his favorite food is blueberries, potatoes, cut up green beans, bread, and Gerber puffs and tonight i found out he really likes pumpkin pie.
- We learned very quickly that we need to baby proof fast. On one sunday Aaron and I were in the Kitchen talking and realized Gabe was really quiet. That is very strange because he is always jabbering. We walk into the living room to find him underneath our huge living room plant. He had pulled this plant on himself and was having a blast playing in the dirt. This happened right before church. He had dirt everywhere and when I picked him up I got dirt all over me. Aaron vacuumed us up (we were both laughing hysterically at the time) and went to church. 100% pure boy. i wish i would have taken a picture.
Well this really all I can say for now. I was a good month, but I am tired and I am ready for a little more stability. I will post lots of pictures this weekend.