Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Eating jelly beans in the dark!

Okay! I know the title sound a little funny, but this is an activity everyone should try- eating jelly beans (jelly belly brand in particular) in the dark. Let me explain. I went to the Dollar Tree to buy some paper and bought some jelly belly brand jelly bean called belly flops (I really got them because the name made me laugh). They are called belly flops because the color or size was not up to normal jelly belly standards. LOL! And that is why I could buy them for only a dollar. Anyways it was about 8:30 in the evening and dark outside. Once I got in the car I opened the bag and started eating. Well you just never know what flavor you will get when you can't see what color it is. Aaron hates cinnamon ones and i really thought it was funny that it was the only ones he seemed to get. I know it is not too cool to laugh at someone elses discomfort but aaron really was dramatic and would get more mad every time he got a cinnamon flavored one. The simple things in Life! Maybe i was just really tired and loopey- I did have a long day.

Below is a picture that really made me smile. It may be sick and twisted but I really needed a good laugh.


Anonymous said...

You always make me laugh!

Sarah said...

haha nice picture.